Ideas come in the most awkward places sometimes. After quite a bit of summer reading and some time thinking, here is a new and MUCH improved list of classroom expectations. I am taking Derek Sivers advice in making my classroom utopia and Tony Dungy’s advice in that he didn’t have rules for the Colts, just high expectations for them.
Be Uncommon- from Tony Dungy’s Uncommon, about integrity, taking risks, failing, care for others, setting the example, optimistic
Be Remarkable-from Seth Godin’s The Big Moo, about taking risks, showing up every day, going above and beyond, best every time
Be Creative, innovative, and playful- Sir Ken Robinson, Papert, Reggio, project based learning,
Be a leader, be part of a tribe- from Seth Godin’s Tribes
Be reflective
In the next couple of weeks, I plan on breaking each of these ideas down in more detail if for nothing other than spelling them out for myself.
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