One interesting conversation took place in Bud Hunt's session about writing. On top of his statement that "Hyperlinks are adjectives (and the subsequent blog post) and some individual time to reflect on writing came a debate about audience. It seems that I am not the only one who is wrestling with who I'm blogging for. There were some in the crowd that were writing for themselves, some who were vaguely aware of who they are writing for, and some who knew exactly who they were writing for.
It may be a generalization, but it seemed that it might have been the newer bloggers that were most unsure of who they were writing for (or simply writing for themselves). I feel that I am in this group. First off, it seems that next to no one is reading my posts, so in that sense I am writing for myself. So you may say, "Why not just get out your journal ?" My response: good question. Maybe it's that I hope someone stumbles onto my blog and connects with something I am saying. Maybe it's just that the blog is an easy place for me to write. I am not quite sure. It's not that I want to keep my writing private as much as it's a lack of readers I suppose.
I think knowing your audience matters. The problem is when I sit down to post, the cag
Is it selfish of me to simply write for myself, sometimes taking on heady issues and sometimes sharing more concrete ideas and say "take from it what you can," to my reader? Or is it more important that I 'pick' my audience and consistently write with them in mind? I'm thinking that it may be more of the former than the latter.
I enjoyed meeting you in Philadelphia. Hope our paths cross again. As to audience - I think the best blogging is the writing that takes liberty with audience. Sometimes, I write for me, and let you, the reader follow along. Other times, I write directly to you.
Depends on what I'm trying to accomplish - sometimes I'm thinking and need the structure of writing in order to accomplish it. Other times, I want you to know something - so I try my best to tell you.
I don't think that's simply a problem/issue/whatever for new bloggers - it's just an issue for writers. All of us.
Hi, Travis,
I relate to your thoughts and introspective questions about blogging.
I blog when I can spare time - which is not often at all - and is insufficient to build a solid audience! When I do blog, however, it is because I have a passionate burning idea that I hope to share with anyone who can benefit from reading.
My favorite part of the blogs are the responses I get from others. I value the feedback and benefit from knowing that others share similar ideas. I appreciated your blog. It is very honest and transparent. I think readers appreciate those qualities.
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